Thursday 21 June 2012

Fairtrade and Bristol’s Big Green Week

Fairtrade has become part of Bristol's Big Green Week, demonstrating how buying Fairtrade products makes sense environmentally, as well as being fair and just.

Bristol is one of the UK’s leading cities for sustainable development and Bristol’s Big Green Week taps into the city’s rich resource of green expertise and practical experience.

Fairtrade helps to tackle climate change in many ways because to gain Fairtrade certification all producers have to meet the international Fairtrade standard. This means farmers must protect the natural environment (for example not cut down forests), minimise the use of energy, water and pesticides, and implement health and safety measures for all workers.

The world-class festival of sustainability, hosted by the city of Bristol, has brought together leading global experts and thinkers to share ideas and inspiration on developing a green future.

Fairtrade is helping to advance this future by giving workers a Fairtrade premium for investment in economic, social and environmental projects, as well as a fair price that covers cost of production and basic living costs. Coffee famers in Costa Rica have used the premium to replant trees to prevent soil erosion, move to organic farming, and to invest in environmentally friendly ovens, fuelled by recycled coffee hulls and nut shells, so they no longer cut rainforest trees.

Climate change is having the most impact in the poorest countries, even though they are least responsible for carbon emissions. Fairtrade is working with farmers in these countries to enable them to deal with the impact of climate change, by providing training on irrgation methods, diversification to less water-dependant crops and produce they can sell locally, so they are less dependent on global trade.

As nearly all Fairtrade products are shipped to the UK, their carbon footprint is very low. Fairtrade supports and enables the continuation of small-scale farming which is sustainable and low carbon by its very nature.

So, with the city of Bristol dedicating itself to a green future there’s never been a better time to Take a Step for Fairtrade – buying more Fairtrade products at home, using Fairtrade at work and introducing Fairtrade into your community group.